All models are wrong, but some are useful.
George Box 1976
Basic idea
e.g. an ODE model:
states: $\dot x (t, \theta) = f(t, x, \theta)$,
$x(t_0, \theta) = x_0(\theta) \in \mathbb{R}^{n_x}$,
observables: $y(t, \theta) = h(x(t, \theta), \theta) \in \mathbb{R}^{n_y}$,
measurements: $\bar y_{ik} \sim \mathcal{N}(y_k(t_i,\theta), \sigma^2_{ik}(\theta) \in \mathbb{R}^{n_y}$
likelihood function:
$p(D|\theta) = \prod_{ik}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_{ik}(\theta)}
\left(\frac{\bar y_{ik} - y_k(t_i,\theta)}{\sigma_{ik}(\theta)}\right)^2\right]$
objective function:
$J(\theta) := - \log p(D|\theta) =
+ \left(\frac{\bar y_{ik} - y_k(t_i,\theta)}{\sigma_{ik}(\theta)}\right)^2\right]
if prior knowledge is available: prior $p(\theta)$,
$J(\theta) := -\log p(D|\theta) - \log p(\theta)$
find the best point estimate (MLE)
- local vs global or multistart
- derivative-free vs derivative-based
- higher-order information
Hierarchical optimization
Loos, Carolin, et al.
"Hierarchical optimization for the efficient parametrization
of ODE models." Bioinformatics 2018.
Computing gradients $\nabla J(\theta)$
$$\nabla J(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\left[\frac{\partial J_i}{\partial
y}(y(t_i,\theta),\theta)\color{red}{\frac{dy}{d\theta}(t_i,\theta)} + \frac{\partial
J_i}{\partial \theta}(y(t_i,\theta),\theta)\right]$$
- finite differences: $\delta_l J(\theta) = (J(\theta + \delta e_l) - J(\theta)) / \delta$
- forward sensitivities: calculate $\frac{dx}{d\theta}$ via additional ODEs
- adjoint sensitivities: circumvent $\frac{dx}{d\theta}$ via a cheaper adjoint state
finite differences
$$\delta^{h}_lJ(\theta) = \frac{J(\theta + \frac 1 2h\cdot e_l)
- J(\theta - \frac 1 2h\cdot e_l)}{h}$$
- inefficient: $O(n_xn_\theta)$
- numerically unstable
forward sensitivities
$$\nabla J(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\left[\frac{\partial J_i}{\partial
y}(y(t_i,\theta),\theta)\frac{dy}{d\theta}(t_i,\theta) + \frac{\partial
J_i}{\partial \theta}(y(t_i,\theta),\theta)\right]$$
where, with $s^x = \frac{dx}{d\theta}$, the extended ODE
$\dot x = f, x(0) = x_0$,
$\dot s^x_l = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}s^x_l + \frac{\partial f}{\partial
\theta_l}, s^x_l(0) = \frac{\partial x_0}{\partial\theta_l}, l=1,\ldots,n_\theta$
allows us to calculate $\frac{dy}{d\theta}$
- inefficient: $O(n_xn_\theta)$
- numerically robust
- can exploit ODE structure
adjoint sensitivities
Idea: introduce an adjoint state $p\in\mathbb{R}^{n_x}$ such that
$$\nabla J(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\left[\frac{\partial J_i}{\partial\theta}
+ \frac{\partial J_i}{\partial y}\frac{\partial h}{\partial\theta}\right] -
p(t_0)^T\frac{d x_0}{d\theta}(\theta) - \int_{t_0}^{t_{n_t}}p^T\frac{\partial
without the annoying $\frac{dx}{d\theta}$!
$p$ is uniquely defined by the backward ODE
$$\dot p = -\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}^Tp\quad\text{with initial
condition}\quad p(t_{i}) = \lim_{t\searrow t_{i}}p(t) - \left(\frac{\partial
J_{i}}{\partial y}\frac{\partial h}{\partial x}\right)^T$$
- in practice nearly $O(n_x)$ (2 ODEs and a simple quadrature)
- more involved implementation
- no least-squares optimizers applicable
Profile likelihoods
- profile likelihoods defined as $\text{PL}_{g(\theta)}(c) = \max_{\theta\in g^{-1}(c)}p(D|\theta)$
- confidence intervals derived from likelihood-ratio tests
- profiles calculated via optimization / integration / local approximation
Bayesian inference
Posterior analysis
Often, we are interested in integrals of the posterior, e.g.
- Posterior mean of a parameter: $\mathbb{E}(\theta|D) = \int \theta p(\theta|D)d\theta$
- Posterior variance (uncertainty): $\mathbb{V}(\theta|D) = \mathbb{E}(\theta^2|D) - \mathbb{E}(\theta|D)^2$
- Credible intervals: $\mathbb{P}(\theta\in[l,u]|D) = \int_l^u p(\theta|D)d\theta$
- Marginals: $p(\theta_1|D) = \int p(\theta|D)d\theta_2\cdots d\theta_n$
Monte-Carlo sampling can be used to approximate expectations:
$$\mathbb{E}(f(\theta)|D) \overset{n\rightarrow\infty}{\approx} \frac{1}{n}\sum_if(\theta_i)$$
with $\theta_i \overset{\text{iid}}{\sim} p(\theta|D)$.
How to sample from a distribution?
- Simple distributions: CDF inversion $F_{p(\theta|D)}^{-1}(U[0,1])$
- Rejection sampling: $\theta\sim q(\theta)$, accept if $U[0,1] < p(\theta|D)/(Mq(\theta))$
- Importance sampling: $\mathbb{E}_{p(\theta|D)}(f) = \int f(\theta)\frac{p(\theta|D)}{q(\theta)}q(\theta)d\theta$
does not really scale well to high-dimensional distributions ...
Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC)
idea: instead of randomly drawing iid samples, evolve samples via
small perturbations to what was already observed
until chain long enough:
- propose $\theta \sim q(\theta|\theta_i)$
- if $U[0,1] < \min\left(1,\frac{p(\theta|D)q(\theta|\theta_i)}{p(\theta_i|D)q(\theta_i|\theta)}\right)$,
then $\theta_{i+1}=\theta$, else $\theta_{i+1} = \theta_i$
Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC)
- More refined updates (Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo, NUTS, ...)
- Adapt to problem structure
- Parallel Tempering
Further topics
- Outlier control
- Model selection
- Ordinal data
- Mixed effects
- Standards
- Residual analysis
- Structural identifiability
- ...
parameter estimation toolbox
- optimization, profiles, sampling
- own implementations and interfaces to popular tools
- high-performance computing parallelization
- model selection, visualization, ...
- Fröhlich, Fabian, et al.
"AMICI: High-Performance Sensitivity Analysis for Large
Ordinary Differential Equation Models."
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09122 (2020).
- Fröhlich, Fabian, Carolin Loos, and Jan Hasenauer.
"Scalable inference of ordinary differential equation models
of biochemical processes."
Gene Regulatory Networks (2019): 385-422.
- Raue, Andreas, et al.
"Lessons learned from quantitative dynamical modeling in
systems biology."
PLoS ONE, 8(9):e74335, 2013.
- Ballnus, Benjamin, et al.
"Comprehensive benchmarking of Markov chain Monte Carlo
methods for dynamical systems."
BMC Systems Biology, 11(63), 2017.
Likelihood-free inference
Likelihood-free Bayesian inference
common optimization and sampling methods (e.g. MCMC) require
the (unnormalized) likelihood
can happen: numerical
evaluation infeasible
... but still possible to simulate data
Example: Modeling tumor growth
based on Jagiella et al., Cell Systems 2017
- cells modeled as interacting stochastic agents, dynamics of
extracellular substances by PDEs
- simulate up to 106 cells
- 10s - 1h for one forward simulation
- 7-18 parameters
What we tried |
- multi-start local methods
- deterministic gradient descent
- Levenberg-Marquardt
- interior-point
- trust-region
- stochastic gradient descent
- Bayesian optimization
- global methods
- simulated annealing
- > 20 particle methods
- enhanced scatter search
Failed |
Worked |
- multi-start local methods
- deterministic gradient descent
- Levenberg-Marquardt
- interior-point
- trust-region
- stochastic gradient descent
- Bayesian optimization
- global methods
- simulated annealing
- > 20 particle methods
- enhanced scatter search
--- |
How to infer parameters for complex stochastic models?
Approximate Bayesian Computation
Rejection ABC
With distance $d$, threshold $\varepsilon>0$,
summary statistics $s$:
until $N$ acceptances:
- sample $\theta\sim g(\theta)$
- simulate data $y\sim\pi(y|\theta)$
- accept $\theta$ if $d(s(y), s(y_\text{obs}))\leq\varepsilon$
Rejection sampling
Background: Want to sample from $f$, but can only sample
$g \gg f$.
until $N$ acceptances:
- sample $\theta\sim g(\theta)$
- accept $\theta$ with probability $\propto
Accepted $\theta$ are independent samples from $f(\theta)$.
Let $f=\pi(\theta|y_\text{obs}), g=\pi(\theta) \Rightarrow
\frac{\pi(\theta|y_\text{obs})}{\pi(\theta)} \propto
- not available
- idea: circumvent likelihood
by simulating data and matching
to the observed data
Likelihood-free rejection sampling
until $N$ acceptances:
- sample $\theta\sim \pi(\theta)$
- simulate data $y\sim\pi(y|\theta)$
- accept $\theta$ if $y=y_\text{obs}$
- Acceptance probability:
- can be small in particular for continuous data
- idea: accept simulations that are
similar to $y_\text{obs}$
Rejection ABC
With distance $d$, threshold $\varepsilon>0$:
until $N$ acceptances:
- sample $\theta\sim \pi(\theta)$
- simulate data $y\sim\pi(y|\theta)$
- accept $\theta$ if $d(y, y_\text{obs})\leq\varepsilon$
- curse of dimensionality:
if the data are too high-dimensional, the
of simulating similar data sets is small
- idea: create an informative lower-dimensional
representation via summary statistics
- ideally minimal sufficient statistics
Toy example
$y\sim\mathcal{N}(2(\theta-2)\theta(\theta+2), 1+\theta^2)$,
$\pi(\theta) = U[-3,3]$
$N=1000$ acceptances
Approximate Bayesian Posterior
We want:
\[\pi(\theta|y_\text{obs}) \propto
We get:
\[\pi_{ABC}(\theta|s(y_\text{obs})) \propto \color{red}{\int
I(\{d(s(y), s(y_\text{obs})) \leq
\varepsilon\})p(y|\theta)\operatorname{dy}}\pi(\theta) \approx
\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N\delta_{\theta^{(i)}}(\theta)\]
with distance $d$, threshold $\varepsilon>0$, and summary
statistics $s$
Sources of approximation errors in ABC
- model error (as for every model of reality)
- Monte-Carlo error (as for sampling in general)
- summary statistics
- epsilon threshold
Far better an approximate answer to the right question,
is often vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question,
which can always be made precise.
John Tukey 1962
Efficient samplers
- Rejection ABC, the basic ABC algorithm, can be
inefficient due to repeatedly sampling
from the prior
- smaller $\varepsilon$ leads to lower acceptance rates
- many (likelihood-based) algorithms like IS, MCMC, SMC, SA
have ABC-fied versions
Easy to use
# define problem
abc = pyabc.ABCSMC(model, prior, distance)
# pass data, observation)
# run it
Parallel backends: 1 to 1,000s cores
Parallelization strategies
Klinger et al., CMSB Proceedings 2017
Example: Tumor growth model
based on Jagiella et al., Cell Systems 2017
Define summary statistics
- 400 cores
- 2 days
- 1.8e6 simulations
ABC worked where many other methods had failed.
ABC worked where many other methods had failed.
Uncertainty-aware predictions, easy data integration.
Adaptive population sizes
Klinger et al., CMSB Proceedings 2017
idea: adapt population size trying to match a target accuracy
Self-tuning distance functions
based on Prangle, Bayesian Analysis 2015
Measurement noise
Schälte et al., Bioinformatics 2020
How to efficiently account for measurement noise in ABC?
Further challenges
- Summary statistics calculation
- Epsilon thresholds
- Model selection
- Early rejection
- ...
And ...
Joint initiative to perform inference for multi-cellular models
Morpheus toolbox: Staruß et al., Bioinformatics 2014
- Sisson, Scott A., Yanan Fan, and Mark Beaumont, eds.
"Handbook of approximate Bayesian computation."
CRC Press, 2018.
- Beaumont, Mark A. "Approximate Bayesian computation in
evolution and ecology." Annual review of ecology,
evolution, and systematics 41 (2010): 379-406.
- Martin, Gael M., David T. Frazier, and Christian P.
Robert. "Computing Bayes: Bayesian Computation from
1763 to the 21st Century." arXiv preprint
arXiv:2004.06425 (2020).
Thanks to: Jan Hasenauer, Emad
Alamoudi, Jakob Vanhoefer, the whole lab, ...